The Woman Who Outshone the Sun
Storybook by Rosalma Zubizarreta, Harriet Rohmer, and David Schecter
Based on the poem by Alejandro Cruz Martinez
Illustrated by Fernando Olivera
Directed by Yasmine Kandil
Movement Directed by Ming Hudson
An enchanting Latin American folk tale. In the remote mountains of central Mexico, Lucia Zenteno’s arrival stirs both fear and wonder among the villagers. Some believe her long black hair eclipses the sun, while others see it as a radiant beacon. Banished from the village in their fear, they witness an astonishing phenomenon: their cherished river refuses to part from Lucia, revealing a profound bond. The legend of Lucia Zenteno unfolds as the entire village embarks on a quest to seek her forgiveness.
Through vivid imagery and lyrical language, it explores themes of judgement, discrimination and the true meaning of forgiveness, woven against the backdrop of nature, land and the precarity of these natural gifts. The Woman Who Outshone the Sun is a timeless tale that resonates with readers of all ages.
(Fall 2023) Premiere Production - a Staging Equality Theatre for Young Audiences production through the Phoenix Theatre at The University of Victoria. Part of a double bill with Shi-shi-etko.
Stage Manager - Daniella Snyders-Blok
Costume/Props Design - Parker Feenstra
Assistant Costume/Props Design - Stevie Welsh
Lighting Design - Zoey Collins
Sound Design - Miriam Dumitra
Composer - John Hutchinson
Projection Designer - William Mackwood
Assistant Projection Designer/Videographer - Carson Schmidt
Cultural Consultant - Paulina Grainger
Cultural Consultant - Lina de Guevara
Cultural Consultant - Rosa Stewart
Narrator - Paulina Grainger
Lucia Zenteno - Sarai Gomez
Ensemble - Daniel Badke, Kiera Byrnes, Janina Ferrer, Kai Glass, Simran Kai, Makayla Madill, Mariah Madill, Alynne Sinnema
The Martlet: Brianna Bock
Nexus: Hailey Elise
Photography: Megan Farrell